I'm extremely health conscious. I always think about what I'm putting into my body, where it came from, is it GMO free, is it cage free, how did they treat the animals, and tons of other questions I ask myself before taking a bite out of anything. This health obsession started about 4 or 5 years ago when I watched a documentary called Food Inc and I was disgusted with the food industry. I would love to be vegetarian but I love chicken too much and have been having the hardest time trying to separate from that. Maybe one day I will commit to the vegan life, but for now I try to buy as organic, healthy, and cage free as I can.
Then I ran into a problem... I have limited breakfast options. As I was on the Internet I found some amazing food blogs (http://www.skinnytaste.com/,http://ohsheglows.com/) and realized there were literally over 100's of breakfast foods, that can please my needs. I usually have a hard time finding something that's healthy and will fill me up til about noon when I have lunch. As of lately, I usually wake up and have oatmeal but I'm growing really tired of eating it everyday! That's when my quest began. I really only have about 10 to 15 minutes to prepare my food AND eat it so I also wanted something that was quick to make and of course tasty. It's sort of sounding like the most complicated thing. As I searched through these blogs I found a lot of smoothie options. I always felt that smoothies never really filled me up like food did. I think the problem was, that I wasn't putting the right things into it. Now I make my smoothie and if I feel really hungry in the morning or I know I have a long day ahead of me I'll eat a piece of toast with organic chunky peanut butter. Now I eat a smoothie and toast almost everyday. Of course, I change my smoothie and add different things. Lately though I've been in love with one particular smoothies that I make...
Smoothies are so easy to make and you can put anything you want. Literally, anything. I used to feel like you needed to put specific things in it or it'll taste weird or bland. But I've discovered you need 3 basic things to get it started...1. some type of fruit 2. some type of liquid (almond milk,juice) and 3. nutritional value (chia seeds, protein powder, fiber, greens such as spinach or cucumbers etc) Then you can add whatever else you want. Without further ado, here's my version of my perfect smoothie...
You'll Need..
almond milk
frozen fruits ( I chose berries and strawberries)
chia seeds
non fat vanilla yogurt
Put all the ingredients into the blender
Super Yummy!! And of course my favorite part... |
nom nom nom |
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